The price of Motor Minerva Gallery 2015 Cheap and Cool
The price of Motor Minerva Gallery 2015 This month, Motor Minerva originating from Europe is the German manufacturer this time has been present in various markets around the world, especially in Indonesia which has entered the market of this region in the year 2008. Minerva itself famous with technology Sachs it is a mainstay of the engine, perhaps it had been the main attraction for the motor which is famous with the kind of motor sports and it can be said that this bike has been much in the drive by a lot of people remember the type species the motor is pretty but the price offered is quite affordable, unlike the type of motorcycle Europe is generally priced at hundreds of millions of rupiah, but Minerva today comes at an affordable price and can be said to be cheaper than motor sport from Japan others who are in class , This motor is one big motor or motor sport pretty good bargain and the model of cool. See also Wikipedia
Price Minerva Motor Gede Most cheap, Minerva itself continue to renew the quality of the engine and the body as a whole in view of the motor is initially get a lot of complaints or complaints from customers because the motor is initially present with quality that is deemed to be lacking if technically engine and comfort driving alone. This is evident from sales that continue to increase with the development of technology and market interest are also increasingly want a bike at an affordable price, with the continued increase in features and the type of each variant were produced to make minerva be a serious contender for the competitors in its class such as the Honda CB 150 R and Yamaha R15. Have not quite up there with the same cc, the price offered is relatively much cheaper than the brand is priced at 25 million while Minerva less than 20 million.

Motor minerva now present in several segments, not only in terms of any kind of sports but has been present on the segment skutic and his trail bike that was designed with its distinctive design and must have been pinned Sachs flagship feature in all kinds of bike. It seems minerva this time would be an attraction for lovers of motorcycles, especially for those who love motor type genre of sport, especially besides Minerva consists of several variations cc ranging from 150 cc to 250 cc and although the cc sizable but this bike is very economical fuel will be given in addition to SAHCS, Minerva was also carried by the technology SOHC cylinder 4. For those of you who are confused about how much information will be sold by Minerva for each variant of the bike can be seen on the list price of the motor minerva following which could be a source of information which is currently being minded to buy this German motorcycle:
The price of Motor Minerva Gallery 2015
The price of Motor Minerva GTR 150
Rp. 18.7 million
The price of Motor Minerva GTR 170
Rp. 21.5 million
The price of Motor Minerva MadAss 125
Rp. 15.6 million
The price of Motor MadAss 125 XX
Rp. 17,000,000
The price of Motor Megelli 250 M
Rp. 27.3 million
The price of Motor Megelli 250 ME
Rp. 29.45 million
The price of Motor Megelli 250 R
Rp. 29.3 million
The price of Motor Minerva Megelli 250 RE
Rp. 32.3 million
The price of Motor Minerva Megelli 250 RV
Rp. 35.3 million
The price of Motor Minerva Megelli 250 SE
Rp. 28.45 million
The price of Motor Minerva Naked 250
Rp. 28.45 million
The price of Motor Minerva 150 R VX
Rp. 17.500.000
The price of Motor Minerva Supermoto 250
Rp. 26.9 million
Latest Minerva price above the Moon in December 2015 ranged from 15 million to 35 million are for the motor class is considered very cheap so for the bottom class society can also buy this bike. For those of you who want to look for motor sport at a low price,