Type - Type Bike MTB
Basically, there are five types of mountain bike or MTB: cross country, trail, downhill, freeride and dirt jump. Each type is designed for different terrains.
Each type of bicycle has its benefits and disadvantages of each. When selecting a mountain bike (MTB), know where you are going to drive it and what kind of obstacles you will encounter.
1. Cross country

This bike is also known as XC. These bikes are designed for off-road track with minimal obstacles to medium. This bike is divided into two, hardtail mountain bike that the suspension is only to be in front and full-suspension mountain bike (fulsus) are particularly two suspension, front and rear.
Using hardtail mountain bike, you can have a good paddling technique without feeling like memental. This bike is much more durable than the full-suspension mountain bike and not too demanding treatment.
In the full-suspension mountain bike, front and rear suspension is integrated in the bicycle frame. This bike is much more comfortable ride than the hardtail mountain bike. In some bikes, the rear suspension (and front) can be switched off or not functioning.
2. Trail
This bike is basically a modified cross country but uses a more refined suspension system to overcome obstacles more difficult and more technical.
The drawback, this bike pedaling takes little effort over the rider due to increased suspension. But now there are front and rear suspension technology that can be turned off when not needed.
3. Downhill

This bike is designed for downhill. This bike is made as light as possible so it is suitable for the race down. Because the bike is designed for downhill, it makes it difficult to bike up the hill.
4. Freeride

This bike downhill bike is similar but is designed to make it easier for dikayuh. This bike is a combination of cross-country and downhill. However, this bike will not work as well the second bike if you want a particular feature.
5. Dirt Jump (DJ)

This bike is used for jumping, driving on the road and slalom racing. Some people consider this bike is a great version of BMX that has front suspension. This bike is designed to hold the load while jumping.