10 The Global Leading Brand Bicycles
Do you know the famous bicycle brand in the world? For those of you who like cycling or who might like to collect from several types of bicycles. Did you know that there are a variety of well-known bicycle brands in the world. For that to you all fans of two-wheeled bicycle tdak not worry anymore because here we will refer to you 10 well-known bicycle brands. Of these brands include Polygon, Wim Cycle, Downhill, Electric Assist Bicycle, Diamond Encrusted Enigma Elle Bicycle, Bike Channel, Koga Kimera, Tier3 KGS Bikes, BERU F1 Systems Factor 001 Bicycle and Bike Gold. Here we will give you a little explanation about bicycle brands above.

For the first brands that polygon, a brand which is one of the most famous bicycle brand in Indonesia. However, these products are not only marketed in Indonesia alone, this bike has also been widely marketed beyond Indonesia. Thus this polygon bicycle brands have successfully penetrated the international market. Bike product has been produced by PT. INSERA Sena since 1989 are located in the village wadungasih, Buduran, Sidoarjo, East Java. At the time of the early pembuatanya polygon bicycle products are widely exported to approximately 17 countries including countries in Europe. Then in the next year polygon will spread its wings in various parts of the world, especially in Southeast Asia and various other parts of the world.
For in Indonesia alone this polygon products marketed in various areas among Aceh, Medan, Sumatra, to the east Kalimantan. This proves that the product has been growing rapidly polygon. However, this is not easily done just by manufacturers polygon, because the average price of bicycles on the market about 200 thousand while the price of its own polygon least expensive average of 500 thousand. Thus the polygon bicycle marketing is not just focused on the manufacture of bicycles as a means of transport but as a lifestyle for konsumenya. Every effort must have been done by this renowned bicycle manufacturers for the marketing of such products from the manufacture uotlet or bike shops, distributors, accessories, and so forth. In the case of polygon services have set up a bike shop designed such that it can make customers who have visited him feel the comfort that is second to none. In addition polygon also continuously striving to develop the latest technologies.

The second explanation of the types of bicycles Wim Cycle, wim cycle also is one type or brand of bicycles that are well known from 10 famous bicycle brand in the country. Wim cycle itself has been in production ole PT. Wijaya Indonesia Makmur Bicycle. The forerunner of this type of bike wim cycle started since 1972 by CV. Indonesia Makmur initially only produce bicycle spare parts. In line with this, the development of the spare parts business in 1976 the company name was changed to PT. Wijaya Indonesia Makmur Bicycle Industries and began producing brands such wim cycle. The manufacturing hub of bicycle brands wim cycle itself is in the village of Driyorejo Bambe Industrial Estate in Surabaya East Java. Hopefully the famous bicycle brand information 10 This can be useful for you thanks.