Vehicle Price List Latest Lamborghini December 2015
Lamborghini car prices this Italian-made car is already familiar to the residents in nearly seleuruh this world, the articles most expensive sports cars in the world is very much enjoy doing by the enthusiast automotive everywhere.
In addition to the sale at a price that is very expensive, lamborghini sports car is also in the production of just how many items of each type just created this Italian manufacturer. And maybe for those of you who are interested to buy and have the fastest car today, you dapatmenyimak flat lamborghini car prices in which will be reported below.
Tertu have expensive price alone makes this car can only have the those who have incomes above the average. Success menajdi one of the worlds leading car icon is lamborgini always be an option for those who wanted to have a luxury car with the body cool and machine second to none.
Produced with a very attractive and cool as well as the interior design is quite nyntrik into a separate excess of cars lamborghini Sprot this signifies a luxury car with a purchase value of billions of rupiah.
Of course for those of you who want to have your expected car care well aware of this one, which becomes a sports car that has this extra engine performance enough to always require their owners and menyervice routine control of the car.
Well from the length talking about the importance yuk ga straight, we see List Price Cars Lamborghini in Indonesia that you can see below before you buy it. But do not be surprised loh yah after you look at a list price of a sports car on this one :).

Type Price
Price Lamborghini LP 550-2 Ghallardo Rp 5,500,000,000
Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 price of Rp 11 billion
2011 Lamborghini Superlegera price Rp 6.2 billion
Price Lamborghini LP570-4 Superlegera Rp 6.2 billion
Price Lamborghini Aventador Full spech Rp 9.5 billion
Price Lamborghini Gallardo Lp 570-4 Perfomante Rp 6.3 billion
Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 price of Rp 9.5 billion
Price Lamborghini Gallardo Lp 560-4 facelift Rp 6.3 billion
2012 Lamborghini Gallardo Bicolore price of Rp 6,000,000,000
Price Lamborghini Aventador New Rp 9.75 billion
- Price OTR Jakarta
- Lamborghini Car Prices above are subject to change at any time
As you can see above, the price of cars lamborghini in Indonesia is very in bandrol quite expensive for each type. But for those of you who already bought it certainly will not be disappointed and the price is because it is definitely a high price will be comparable with the specifications of the machine they carry as well as the latest technology in usungnya.
But for those of you who want to buy them already surely you must come to the big cities in your area in which there is an official dealer of car sales this lamborghini. With you can afford to buy a car is worth billions of rupiah, of course, many people will be amazed by you.
But we recommend for those of you who want to buy make sure the first street you lived a fairly smooth and flat because if not billions of rupiah mobi will not be able to walk down the street where you are. Of course it is in because lamborghini car had a body very low.
Hopefully, by listening to our latest information at the top of the list price of the car lamborghini you so know how the latest prices in Indonesia for each type and of course we also like to thank those of you who already took time to listen to our latest review above.